What Do We Do During a Family Film + Photos Session??

As parents, we want the tangible proof that we love our families so we schedule a photographer, but those photos feel staged, forced & so not you.

Sound familiar?

That’s why I started offering family film sessions! I want you to have the beautiful-honest story of your family, because this ordinary life is what you will want to remember!

Instead of leaving behind a standard forced photo, you can leave a meaningful legacy in both photo AND video.

family playing outdoors

leave a meaningful legacy in photos + video

mom holding son

So you’re keen on the idea, but….

"What do we even DO during a family film session?" It's a question I get a lot so, LET’S CHAT!

A Family Film is a level up from a still image. It feels like walking into a memory every time you watch. 

You'll get HEAPS of sound, movement & natural connection to create a time-capsule of what it feels like to be a family.

How do we get your family snuggled up on the couch watching your own Family Film with laughter rolling out your mouth & tears streaming down your face? Saying “This is US!”

I’ll guide you every step of the way as we plan your session together. Here’s how it works!

You'll receive a questionnaire to help us plan what to do during your session so that you end up with unique photos and video. You will share the stories about simple joys, the favorite little games you play, the dimples you love & the funny things they say; I want to hear it all! We’ll discuss what you love and the legacy you want to leave and then we will make a loose plan of what your family will do during your session.

A session is CONNECTION driven so instead of thinking of activities to do I want you to close your eyes and imagine that your family has been busy for far too long (not hard to imagine, huh?). You cancel ALL the schedules to spend a day to slow down & intentionally connect.

What do you do when there is nothing extra vying for your attention?

Does your family snuggle up in bed- do that! Jump on the bed, go wild!
Do the kids have a favorite song- Sing it! You're going to want to hear that tiny voice a million times over.

Spend the day hanging together, laughing together, playing together & loving together.
It's often the simplest sort of sessions that hold the most meaning.

Give the hugs, tell the favorite funny stories, blow the bubbles, chase the kids through the living room, point out the airplanes & clouds, hide under the covers, OR whatever is true to YOUR family....ABSOLUTELY DO THAT! 

Above all, I want you to be true to your family style, maybe that means running wild in the backyard or coloring at the kitchen table, but whatever you do it will be JUST RIGHT because it's how YOUR family enjoys life!

There is no need to put on a show for me because your real life is worthy of documenting! 


simple sessions hold great meaning

This is the most relaxed session so be comfortable!

If you're hungry, EAT. Thirsty? Grab a coffee or a beer!

Soak up this slow day!

YOUR JOB is to be present with your family.

MY JOB is to be present to receive your memories in a beautiful honest way.



ONE LAST THING! it’s an important one so lean in….

We’ll make a plan, but it’ll be a very loose plan.

I'm 100% here for any family dance parties, snuggles, belly laughs, tears, or anything else that happens.

BUT sometimes life doesn't go quite the way we imagined, & that is 100% ok too.

Lean into life, disconnect from the world for a few hours & trust the love that your family shares is JUST RIGHT.

Let's get you in the memories! Slow down and have the tangible proof of the love of childhood in photos and video.

Let’s make something beautifully honest! 


Authentic Family Photos


Want Something More Than Typical Newborn Photos?